
New, July 2022. This fullblood Dorper ram lamb is representative of young rams on the ranch ready to rehome for fall breeding season.

New, July 2022. This fall-born fullblood registered Dorper ewe is representative of young ewes available for sale.

New, July 2022. These fall-born fullblood registered ewe lambs are among those available for someone's herd.

New, July 2022. This fullblood registered ewe lamb was born last fall and is now available.

These are some of the fullblood registered Dorper ewes available on the Von Netzer Ranch.

These 2 fullblood ewes reflect the genetics available at the Von Netzer Ranch.

These young ewes would be a strong addition to any ranch's flock.

These 5-month-old Dorper ewe lambs show a lot of promise and are representative of what's for sale on the von Netzer Ranch.

These Royal White ewes will begin lambing in early October. Their babies, especially the ewes, will become available for sale next spring.

This Royal White ewe looks uncomfortable as she nears time to have her lambs.

These Royal White ewe lambs are out of the fall lamb crop.

These fullblood registered Dorper lambs are making good progress.

This fullblood ewe came out of animals raised by Tina Wilson in Sterling City. Her first lambs are both ewes and are pictured here just a couple days old.

This fullblood Dorper ewe shows off her twin fall lambs that will be available by summer time 2020. The ram is out of Kurt Hanna genetics.

This fullblood Dorper ewe is proud of her twin ram lambs born Dec. 12, 2019. They will be available as breeding stock by summer time 2020.

These Royal White ewes are resting with their 2019 fall lambs, feeling no pain in the December sun. These lambs will make outstanding breeding stock by summer 2020.

This Royal White 2019 fall-born ram lamb will be an outstanding breeding ram available in 2020.

This set of twins is just 5 weeks old. They are the offspring of a Kurt Hanna ram and will make someone good breeding stock down the road.

This mother has a right to be proud. Her first lamb, out of a Kurt Hanna ram, is barely 5 weeks old.

These Dorper lambs are out of a Kurt Hanna ram and are about 5 weeks old. They are showing a lot of promise.

This ram is just 7 months old and is available for sale.

This 7-month-old full-blood ram is another representative of those presently for sale.

These Dorper rams among a variety of young rams are 8 months old and available for sale.

These 4 Dorper rams were born in the fall of 2017 and are available as breeding animals. They would be strong sires to fullblood or commercial flocks.

These Dorper ewe lambs are 7 months old and representative of young ewes available for sale.

These Dorper ewe lambs are among those available for sale. They are 7 to 8 months old.

These 2 fullblood Dorper rams were born in the fall of 2017 and are available as breeding animals on the von Netzer Ranch.

Garet von Netzer, left, and granddaughter Madison McKinnon show the third and fourth-place Dorper ewe lambs in the 11th Annual Texas Hill Country Dorper Assn. Show on Sept. 9, 2017 out of a field of 20 entries.

Madison McKinnon, granddaughter of von Netzer Ranch owner Garet von Netzer, shows a prize-winning Dorper ewe in the Texas Hill Country Dorper Assn. Show on Sept. 9, 2017.

Madison McKinnon, granddaughter of ranch owner Garet von Netzer, shows another prize-winning Dorper ewe lamb from the 11th Annual Texas Hill Country Dorper Assn. Show in Fredericksburg, TX.

These Royal White ewe lambs are from the fall lamb crop.

These Royal White ewe lambs come from the Fall 2016 lamb crop and share the range with some ranch orphans no longer being bottle fed.

These 2 Royal White rams are now available for breeding.

These Royal White ewe lambs were just weaned.

These Royal White ewes are just 7 months old and are available for sale.

This newly weaned Royal White ewe lamb is representative of the von Netzer ranch genetics.

This Royal White ram was the reserve champion ram at the 2015 Gillespie County Fair held Aug. 21-22 in Fredericksburg.

This Royal White won top ram lamb in the 2015 Gillespie County Fair Show.

This Royal White ewe was the champion yearling ewe at the 2015 Gillespie County Fair.

This Royal White ewe lamb was reserve champion in its class at the 2015 Gillespie County Fair.

This Royal White 2-year-old ewe was the reserve champion aged ewe in the 2015 Gillespie County Fair.

These mature Royal White ewes show the results of having plenty to eat.

These Royal White ewes are with one of the ranch's premier breeding rams.

These Royal White ewes are with another of the ranch's outstanding rams.

New life is always exciting.

These Dorper ewes are being exposed to a massive ram which was the reserve champion at the 2015 Houston Stock Show.

These Dorper ewes are being exposed to another of the ranch's outstanding sires.

These Dorper ewes react to a corn bucket.

These two mature fullblood ewes reflect the genetics in the ranch's registered Dorper flock.

Spring time is lambing time for the Royal Whites on the von Netzer Ranch.

Royal White ewes often even have triplets.

Garet and Mardi von Netzer showed the champion yearling ram in the 8th Annual Texas Hill Country Dorper Assn. Show/Sale in Fredericksburg.

One of the von Netzer Ranch's sheep was judged the champion yearling ewe in the 8th Annual Texas Hill Country Dorper Assn. Show/Sale in Fredericksburg.

Sheep off the von Netzer Ranch were judged champion yearling ram, left, and champion yearling ewe Sept. 13, 2014 in the 8th Annual Texas Hill Country Dorper Assn. Show/Sale in Fredericksburg.

This yearling ewe was the Grand Champion ewe of the entire Royal White Show on Aug. 22, 2014 at the Gillespie County Fair.

This Royal White ewe lamb won its class Aug. 22 in the Gillespie County Fair's breeding sheep show.

This 2-year-old Royal White ram was selected as the reserve champion ram in the Gillespie County Fair's breeding sheep show Aug. 22, 2014.

This 2-year-old Royal White ram seems to be proud of being selected first in his class and the Reserve Champion ram overall Aug. 22, 2014 in the Gillespie County Fair Show.

This Royal White ewe lamb won first place Aug. 22, 2014 in the Gillespie County Fair's breeding sheep show.

Mardi, left, and Garet von Netzer, middle, along with granddaughter Madison McKinnon have the rare opportunity to show 3 ewe class winners (lamb, yearling, aged) in the ring at the same time to determine which entry would be the Grand Champion ewe.

This Dorper yearling ram finished fourth in a strong field Aug. 22, 2014 in the Gillespie County Fair's breeding sheep show. He is one of 2 breeding rams used on the von Netzer Ranch with its Dorper ewes.

This Dorper ewe lamb finished fourth in a deep, quality field Aug. 22, 2014 in the Gillespie County Fair's breeding sheep show's Dorper division.

Madison McKinnon, granddaughter of ranch owner Garet von Netzer, prepares to show her Dorper wether in the Gillespie County Youth Show.

Madison McKinnon leads her Dorper wether market lamb into the Gillespie County Show Arena

Royal White ewes are now in the midst of lambing.

Two Royal White new mothers and babies.

One of the ranch's fullblood, registered ewes is proud of her new baby ewe lamb.

This Dorper spring lamb finished high in the Texas Hill Country Dorper Assn. Show. She was shown by Madison McKinnon, 8-year-old granddaughter of ranch owner Garet von Netzer.

Madison McKinnon works to position this fall ewe lamb during judging at the Texas Hill Country Dorper Assn. Show held Sept. 20, 2013 in Fredericksburg, TX.

This fall Dorper ewe lamb, shown by Garet von Netzer's granddaughter Madison McKinnon, won its class at the 2013 Texas Hill Country Dorper Assn. Show in Fredericksburg, TX and was judged the third-best Dorper ewe in the entire show.

This entry in the Gillespie County Royal White breeding sheep show Aug. 23 won the yearling ewe class and then was judged to be the reserve champion ewe of the entire show. It was the 125th anniversary of the Gillespie County Fair, the oldest continuously running fair in Texas.

The yearling ewe at left and yearling ram won their classes in the Royal White breeding sheep show at the Gillespie County Fair Aug. 23.

The von Netzer Ranch had the winning entries in the 125th annual Gillespie County Fair breeding sheep show on Aug. 23. Those were, from left, the top ewe lamb, the top yearling ewe (also selected the reserve champion ewe of the entire Royal White show) and the top yearling ram.

This ewe lamb is representative of the von Netzer flock and will be shown this fall.

This Royal White ram is representative of the RW sheep in the von Netzer flock. He has just turned one year old.

This yearling Dorper ram is being prepared for fall shows.

This Dorper ewe is just a lamb. She is being exercised in advance of shows this coming fall.

This fullblood Dorper ram is a yearling that will be shown in shows this fall.

This Royal White ewe, recently a lamb herself, just had her first baby.

This Dorper ewe has her hands full with 3 new babies. She got the extra energy needed to bear triplets by eating a lot of liquid molasses.

Three Royal White and one Dorper ewe lamb share the same field

This Royal White ewe lamb is just over six months old

These Royal White ewe lambs enjoy a coastal bermuda patch

This Royal White ewe lamb is just seven months old.

These Royal White ewes are still just lambs!

These 2 Royal White rams, a lamb on the left and a 3-year-old on the right, are 2 of the lead sires used in the Von Netzer Ranch's Royal White breeding program.

This 2-year-old ewe is representative of Royal White ewes on the von Netzer Ranch.

These 2 Dorper ram lambs are being exercised by Mardi von Netzer before they will be shown in the fall. They reflect the genetics of the Von Netzer Dorper flock.

These 2 Dorper rams are still just lambs!

Royal White ewes often have triplets.

Another Royal White mother with her hands full.

This yearling Dorper ewe with her first lamb.

Another first-lamb mother with her new baby.

A Royal White momma and her new babies.

This young Royal White ram has the potential to be an outstanding breeding animal.

These are 2 of the Dorper breeding rams produced at our ranch

This ram was the reserve champion yearling ram in the 2011 Texas High Country Dorper Assn. Show & Sale in Fredericksburg, Texas, one of the biggest Dorper sheep shows in the country. The picture features ranch owners Garet & Mardi von Netzer and South African show judge Pieter Van Schalkwyk

This Dorper ewe is proud of her fast-growing twin lambs

This Dorper ewe lamb comes from the father of the 2011 reserve champion ram in the Fredericksburg, Texas show

This stud Dorper ram is the father of the 2011 Reserve Champion ram in the Texas Hill Country Dorper Assn. Show in Fredericksburg, Texas. He has impressive muscle and balance

These Royal White ewes are in their prime

These Royal White ewes are thriving despite the fact their range in 2011 has been suffering the worst drought in recorded weather history.